The First Moon

The First Moon

Two Moons

2009 - Elettronica, Dark, Shoegaze


Two Moons is a musical project, created from an idea of Giuseppe Taibi (Mister Rips), Emilio Mucciga (Yan) and Vincenzo Brucculeri (Nils), active musicians for about 20 years with different experiences in different musical groups, from the first Punk rock to Dark and to Noise.

Their musical career begins with the group Nevrotic Heads, a post punk band, but for a brief period each one follows a different direction which eventually brings them back together in a band which exhalted them as musicians, The South Breed Out.

With the breaking up of the South Breed Out i 1999, Mister Rips follows his musical path with other groups, with Demi monde, Trojan Horse Complex and many other collaborations.

Yan after 15 years of silence , has decided to return with the Two Moons project, a very ambitious project which counts on being not only a band but a visionary theatrical company.


Two Moons è un progetto musicale, creato dalla mente di Giuseppe Taibi (Mister Rips), Emilio Muc…


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