Ur - Another Day On Earth testo lyric

28/04/2022 - 10:19 Scritto da Ur Ur 0


Another Day On Earth

weekend he waited for all week
hoping the mask at the end would fall
remaining motionless
stuck like a bird in tar

love and die and never know
feel like a bomb about to explode
longing for happiness
hiding behind a gentle smile

he hardly wakes and it’s still dawn
blaming the mirror he gets ready for
another bitter laugh under a sudden storm
another day on earth

trying and failing once again
hey, today feels way too much to bare
he wears his favourite dress
but there’s nobody to impress

he hardly wakes and it’s still dawn
blaming the mirror he get’s ready for
another bitter laugh under a sudden storm
another day on earth

just a little man
but under rain and wind he goes on

weekend he struggled through all week
hoping the mask at the end would fall
feeding his loneliness
holding a secret deep inside

he dreams of saying no when darkness falls
hating those who exploited him a lifetime long
another bitter laugh, another broken love
another day on earth


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Another Day On Earth di Ur:


Una vita che scivola via, spesa a chinare il capo, a lavorare per sopravvivere in una catena di schiavitù verso il denaro che promette una felicità in un futuro sempre rimandato. La denuncia di un’esistenza di solitudine, atomismo sociale, codardia e servilismo.


La canzone Another Day On Earth si trova nell'album City Of Ur uscito nel 2022 per Believe, Nicety .

Copertina dell'album City Of Ur, di Ur

L'articolo Ur - Another Day On Earth testo lyric di Ur è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-04-28 10:19:44


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