uno 00:00 TRACKLIST 1. La canzone del pane - I Camillas2. Yesterday remorse - The Charlestones3. Svastiche - Chewingum4. The Superbo - Pigro On Sofa5. Drifting in and out - Porcelain Raft6. Ghost Lips - MOUTH7. In Spain - Vadoinmessico8. Teeo - Vadoinmessico9. ON MY OWN - The Absinth10. Murky Murder - (The) Unknown Pleasures11. Whirlwind - Death In Plains12. #92- Fresh touch - FOR13. To do - Threelakes And The Flatland Eagles14. Sad Animals - Lovecats15. ASYAA - O.O.B.E - AS¥AA16. SOMEtimes Ft. Federico Fiumani - Wolther goes stranger17. Il noi - Wolther goes stranger & Welcome back sailor18. Wild brain - Be Forest19. Old School - Forma20. GORNOLAND - Inserire Floppino21. Different - Amycanbe ---La playlist uno è apparsa su il 2012-12-27 20:01:04