Viper - If I Die by Hate testo lyric


Try to make yourself natural

I want to see you crawling now

Down on your knees I'll crucify you

Nail your hands into a brand new cross

I'm the pain that you always love

I'm the hurt when you wanted more

If I die by hate

Who will forgive me

If I die by hate

Will you forgive me

Bury me burn me alive

Enslave my brain

Blind my eyes it's alright

If you want to see me dying

If you want to see me begging

You will wait for a thousand years

I will fade when you disappear

Build a life so I tear it down

Brick by brick in your own hometown

Fear and hate walking side by side

I'm the dark of your endless night


La canzone If I Die by Hate si trova nell'album Coma Rage uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Viper - If I Die by Hate testo lyric di Viper è apparso su il 2006-01-29 00:00:00


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