The Art Of Arranging Flowers

The Art Of Arranging Flowers

Vivianne Viveur

2007 - Sperimentale, Psichedelia, Gotico


“Vivianne Viveur wears the mask of an ancient theatrical actress. Into her frozen hands she holds tied a purple rose, withered by now. Bleeding colours make up her eyes. She barely stands under the falling snow while acts her dramatic lyrics in dark atmospheres to a public of just marionettes, wax dolls and weeping winged angels. As soon as you will see her, she will disappear into the world of the moon”


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  • utente0 17 anni fa Rispondi

    ciao cuginone sono carmine sei un garnde bello anche l' ultimo album , continua così . ci vediamo per le feste di netale ad avellino.[: