White Socks - White Socks - Dog House

White Socks - Dog House

Ringraziamo Michele Giordano ( Scion Ma - DINAMITE)
per averci dato la possibilità di distruggergli la sala per la realizzazione di questo video e di averci sopportato per 2 anni. ;)


So tired
cause my job today
like a dog
to bring you money take my money
but it's so good to squeeze your balls
cause i'm returning
but it's so good to squeeze your balls
cause i'm returning baby

welcome to my doghouse
i don't wanna know if it's better than your doghouse
please support my doghouse
i don't wanna know if it's better than your doghouse

stop tired
cause my life today
like a dog
to dream my castle and watch my tv
but it's so good to smash your balls
cause i'm returning
but it's so good to smash your balls
cause i'm returning baby

welcome to my doghouse
i don't wanna know if it's better than your doghouse
please support my doghouse
i don't wanna know if it's better than your doghouse

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Regia di Annalisa M. Macchione
Riprese realizzate da
William Onorato( ONdigitalvideo) e
Annalisa M.Macchione (Daisy Production Films)

L'articolo White Socks - White Socks - Dog House di White Socks è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-12-02 12:52:17


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