I Ragazzi del Massacro - Thirsty dog

around the world like a thirsty dog
drinking water full of mud
I have always bitten as soon as I have
A perfect chance to get it well

Always alone like thirsty dog
taking nothing but beatings and kicks
feed me only what I need
but I don’t even let the skin

yes my name is thirsty dog
crazy head and smelly feet
nobody change my freedom skill
you keep me nailing back on my dream

always call me thirsty dog
always shot me and tramp me down
guinea pig animal
I dont even leave the skin

all are my ways this country is me
everyday is a race please stand by me

L'articolo I Ragazzi del Massacro - Thirsty dog di I Ragazzi del Massacro è apparso su Rockit.it il 2023-12-06 09:49:11


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