BALLAD FOR MIKE BROWN(TODAY FOR GEORGE FLOYD) Song written in 2014 for Mike Brown executed with his hands raised by the US police, today the song for George Floyd brutally asphyxiated. The video that accompanies the song is devoted wholeheartedly to the black people, to their never-ending struggle for freedom through the horrors of slavery, trafficking, racial segregation, eternal lynching, its strength that is always renewed inside the hard I walk through the white cruelty we are ashamed of. But we will follow him hand in hand until the end of the story and the achievement of full freedom.
Marco Chiavistrelli is a historian singer-songwriter of Italian alternative movements, committed to the major themes of racism, migrants, the climate changes, against deaths at work and abuse in uniform.
L'articolo marco chiavistrelli folk rock - Ballad for Mike Brown (today for George Floyd) di marco chiavistrelli folk rock è apparso su il 2021-02-05 18:04:16