Mamavegas - Mean and Proud (Beauty)

If only you'd known what my mind was dreaming about
if only you'd known what my absence had become
and what was it pretending to hide
don't think that it's gone
it would be easier
now it's just different
excited and scared
a body turned cold and then warmed up
a body striving for giantness
fighting to remain pure
a body dreaming of becomin’ round
hoping his head will not roll down again
one day that head fell down,
somebody picked it up and put it back in its place
if only you'd known my regrets
floating above these shapeless days
can't think about you
at your uneasiness
I think of you as a fault
another trick to dominate you
and you, stop staring at me this way
or my body will turn as bright
as you are mean to me
if only you'd known
what my mind just dreamed last night
I held you in my hands
you were so small and well defined
you were the fruit of this huge body
it grew so mean and proud

L'articolo Mamavegas - Mean and Proud (Beauty) di Mamavegas è apparso su il 2017-12-14 16:50:25


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