06/10/2022 - 13:47 Scritto da ATŌMI ATŌMI 1

"IAM - I am. I am material, I am ego, I am intuition, I am the whole being."

The video retraces the four levels of consciousness described by Willigis Jäger in "Search for the Meaning of Life" : pre rational stage, rational stage, transpersonal stage and finally cosmic consciousness and only then does the man experience pure being.
An amniotic liquid in which happens a metaphorical awakening, through symbolic intuitions and visions. The ego of the human being who in order to be born again crosses his own shadows and integrates them with the person. The shell appears as an oneiric vision, as a sign.
Through this symbolic path the man sense his own essence.
The man who has become aware is no longer just that, reborns as a part of the whole being and discovers that is nothing more than what is created from here.

| Written, directed and produced by Chiara De Maria
| Performer: Giulia

L'articolo ATŌMI - IAM di ATŌMI è apparso su il 2022-10-06 13:47:17


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