Zatarra - (If It Moves) Kiss It

06/04/2023 - 12:08 Scritto da Zatarra Zatarra 1

Everyday’s the same old story
It’s hard to get bored with my crazy friends
I’m terrified of ludwig’s music,
I’m so afraid of this ultra loving sex.

I’m the asshole of a gang today,
I’m the droog of my band come on let’s play

My fear is your victory,
Stark reality of everybody in the world.
I’m terrified by your stupid bang bang,
I’m so afraid of singing in the rain.

I miss the milk, I miss nice beautiful chicks,
Better get away while I’m coming to you.

We are the best in town, we’re the only ones.
Funny guys on your way, no one is like us.
No victim no pain no blame and if it moves kiss it.

We are the best in town, we’re the only ones.
Funny guys on your way, no one is like us.
No victim no pain no blame and if it moves kiss it.

L'articolo Zatarra - (If It Moves) Kiss It di Zatarra è apparso su il 2023-04-06 12:08:03


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