CROHM - The Wash Sin Machine

15/09/2024 - 10:47Scritto da CROHM CROHM1


Go ahead, you pursue your goal
You don’t worry about your sense of guilt
After all it is really small
What matters is what you have built

Someone wins, someone loses
Yes, you made your choice
The world is full of abuses
Is not the fault of your Rolls Royce

Don’t worry about your sins
There is the Wash-Sin Machine

Life is a matter of luck
You did not choose to be born rich
Maybe you are the Chosen One
Others have their destiny

Don’t worry about your sins
There is the Wash-Sin Machine

Don’t worry about your sins…
See you in Hell!

L'articolo CROHM - The Wash Sin Machine di CROHM è apparso su il 2024-09-15 10:47:06


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