Mardi Gras - Lia's Theme

14/01/2025 - 12:14 Scritto da Mardi Gras Mardi Gras 2

Mardi Gras
Lia's Theme

Speak to me from the garden
No more rest
Golden rays, old trees

Empty words mean revenge

Speak to me break the silence

No more smoke

Shadows still hungry

Empty words mean revenge

Liar liar

You do this to me
Liar liar
Away from me again

Speak to me from the garden
It’s not late
Water and old trees

Empty words mean revenge

Speak to me break the silence
It’s not late
Shadows still hungry
Empty words mean revenge

Liar liar
You do this to me
Liar liar
Away from me again

Liar liar
You do this to me

Liar liar
it’s time to confess

L'articolo Mardi Gras - Lia's Theme di Mardi Gras è apparso su il 2025-01-14 12:14:37


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