Walter Celi - Neverending Love testo lyric


I met her on my road in a dark rainy night
I thought was a projection, just in my mind
When everybody looks like ghosts or machines
She is the only one i've seen, you are the only one i've ever seen

The strange thing is that i thought that she's not my type at all
Curly hair and brown eyes that make you fall
But She is the sweetest creature i've ever seen
I said please baby stay with me, i want you to stay with me

We walk along the bridge on the river called life
That connects our lives since that magic night
If you stumble i want to fall, you are my treasure and not my doll
You are my treasure and not my doll
You are my treasure and not my doll

I seem to walk between bright and colored lights
I feel there is no difference between here and the paradise
I asked her how many times have you been with someone
She says my first one in life, you are the only one in my life


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Neverending Love di Walter Celi:


La canzone Neverending Love si trova nell'album Lost In The Womb Of The Night uscito nel 2017.

Copertina dell'album Lost In The Womb Of The Night, di Walter Celi

L'articolo Walter Celi - Neverending Love testo lyric di Walter Celi è apparso su il 2022-05-26 19:30:40


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