Woods of Karma (Chiusa) - Aubergine testo lyric


The watch says it's eight o' clock
But I'm beggin' for some Five
Going there for stealing it
Watching in Lupin's eyes
Look inside a mirror
And find yourself dry
I don't want you to cheat for it
Find where your brain lies
Out for the road tonight
In my stomach some 5o5
Reading out of sight
For Camillo to supply

Ehi stop melting water in whine
Like walter white, i'm feeling just fine

And now there are the others
Despite they're not good looking
They're searching for a reason
For the sun not to set down
Already out of pattern
And still they're abusing
A sort of mind comparison
To feel a bit less pain
I see out of the window
A couple paired man
He's wispering to the bricks
To give him a new pen
He wants to write the future
Like there is no consequence
I'll love you like a blind star does
He said, with no romance

Hey, stop melting water in whine
Like walter white, I'm feeling just fine
Hey, here comes the sun to shine
Out of the fog, no adrenalyne

Hey, stop melting water in whine
Like walter white, I'm feeling just fine
Hey, here comes the sun to shine
Out of the fog, there's no adrenalyne


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Aubergine di Woods of Karma (Chiusa):


La canzone Aubergine si trova nell'album Balancing Flowers with Iron EP uscito nel 2013.

Copertina dell'album Balancing Flowers with Iron EP, di Woods of Karma (Chiusa)

L'articolo Woods of Karma (Chiusa) - Aubergine testo lyric di Woods of Karma (Chiusa) è apparso su Rockit.it il 2015-11-17 22:31:23


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