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"One year and a half after releasing I'm Glad EP I realized that all I was doing for this project was basically just googling 'worlich' and pressing F5 staring at my home page.
I said 'fuck it' and started to jam a bit and demoing ideas.
I started recording the very first one pretty quickly, not caring about what I was doing, and proceeded in chronological order from track one to eight.
And there it is, 'Spider Eyes Spider Hands', or: a soundtrack to nothing, or: the many applications of that x2x222 chord.
Nothing special, but I'm quite ok with it and I think it's worth 1/+ listen(s).
A zillion times better than (the teen elevator-music plasticness of) Destination and Glad anyway, if you ask me (improved recording quality + braver/wackier territories + my voice not in there).
This is meant to be listened to from start to finish at a pretty HIGH volume on the biggest audio system you've got, but do the fuck you want, as usual."
NS, December '12."
Spider Eyes Spider Hands
Done By Nicola Serafini between April and December 2012 at Nowhere Studios.