at the bottom of a muddy well in the cracks of a suburb overpass i know you lied the things you do and wasting all this time worrying when all i had to do was keep my mouth shut life is easy turning to the other side living is so easy tamed like little pets i know you lied the things you do the strings you move
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Bending Around Obstacles Like an Ocean Wave Hitting a Buoy di Worlich:
If you had the chance to study stuff like networks and telecommunications (and you are good) you’ll probably know what the fuck this title is.. I was studying and I stumbled on this line on a powerpoint slide.. Cool analogy.. Here I tried to go for a weird mix of sounds and arrangments, in a sort of 70s-album-rock way.. I had the idea of adding the rolling coins at the end when one day I was studyng in my room and i let fall.. guess what? Freaking coins!
La canzone Bending Around Obstacles Like an Ocean Wave Hitting a Buoy si trova nell'album No Destination uscito nel 2008.

L'articolo Worlich - Bending Around Obstacles Like an Ocean Wave Hitting a Buoy testo lyric di Worlich è apparso su Rockit.it il 2013-01-21 19:03:00