you - Lies testo lyric

15/11/2022 - 16:04 Scritto da you you 2


Learn that lies came true
I’m singing loud to contemplate
How the pain feels when it comes
Across our lives
I saw fireflies come towards
My desires now I wait
To be swept away by
The currents of sky

Lies came true
The truth is before me

Learn that lies are fire in the woods
I’m tryin’ to stop it from eating it all
It is undisturbed by
The blind and fools
I saw the old man talk about you
He’s frustrated
He can’t pretend the plan’s good while
He takes them down

Lies came true
The truth is before me
Lies came true
The truth is against me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Lies di you:


La canzone Lies si trova nell'album To Believe and Suffer uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album To Believe and Suffer, di you

L'articolo you - Lies testo lyric di you è apparso su il 2022-11-15 16:04:09


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