Smoking hidden near the stairs
Simply laughing half the time
Recollections of carefree guys
Oh, back then we had no cares
Remember how we were free, foolish and confused
I miss traveling in space with my old shoes
Isolated you can’t be blind
Introspection isn’t hard to find
I’m feeling like a tramp limping in the wild
I'm feeling like a lost child
The more I see these old pics
The more I think of all the small things
We're growing faster and faster
We can't stop but I would like to
Remember how we were free, foolish and confused
I miss traveling in space with my old shoes
Remember how we were free, foolish and confused
I miss traveling in space with my old shoes
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Old Shoes di you:
Basso: Alessandro Travetti
Batteria: Riccardo Mogetti
VIDEO Old Shoes

La canzone Old Shoes si trova nell'album Old Shoes uscito nel 2022.

L'articolo you - Old Shoes testo lyric di you è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-11-15 16:04:09